Community Notice Board
Would you like to share or celebrate something with the Hillcrest community? Events, clubs, classes, out of school achievements, local business ads, charity events, babysitting, recipes, resources, suggestions for activities, useful links - whatever - email it to
- Outdoors Project Half Term Clubs
- Totterdown Children's Community Workshop Deputy Play Manager vacancy
- ComputerXplorers Half Term Tech Clubs
- Bristol Flyers Basketball Clubs & Holiday Camps at St Bernadette's
- Jubilee Pool Aqua Disco
- Sydenham Road Under Fives
- Redcatch Community Garden Half Term Programme and Forest School
- Kate's Holiday Art Club
- Brownies and Guides vacancies
- RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch
- Could you rescue a dog on Channel 4's 'The Dog House'?
- Astronomy 'Star Party' in Victoria Park
- Path2Pilates new venue
- Charity Christmas Tree Collection
- Home Start is recruiting volunteers
- Clifton College 11+ scholarships
- TCCW Deputy Play Manager vacancy - Closing date extended
- Outdoor Project Spring Term programme
- Dance Dudes Streetdance Classes
- English Tutoring
- South Bristol Toy Library
- After School Art Workshops on Somerset Road
- Perform Drama & Dance for kids
- Momentum Dance School - Introducing dance to 4 - 7 year olds
- Disco Fit - Feel-good dance fitness classes with Helen Drane
- Girls' Brigade at Totterdown Baptist Church
- Babysitter
- We the Curious is launching....Curiositickets
- Life Skills volunteers
- Adult Ballet Classes
- Junior Park Runs in Victoria and Greville Smyth Parks on Sundays
- Happy Feet pre-schoolers' dance sessions
- Bristol Robins Basketball Academy for kids in Yrs 4, 5 & 6
- Homestart Volunteers
- A rewarding career in fostering
- Clothing Alterations
- Theatre in the Garden - Drama club for KS2 children at RCG
- LGBTQ+ Social Action Group and Youth Club at The Park
- St Bernadette's Old Boys Rugby U7s, U8s, U9s & U10s
- City of Bristol Swimming Club
- Windmill Hill City Farm - Farm Adventurers early years setting for 2 - 5 yr-olds