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Ways to support Friends of Hillcrest

Donate to support the school via the Friends fundraising link:


Friends of Hillcrest (


Any amount is welcome and you can make one-off or regular donations.

Donations can be Gift Aided to generate extra revenue for the school.




If you prefer to send money by bank transfer the account details are: 


Friends of Hillcrest Primary School

Sort code: 30-94-83

Account number: 02799538




Check out the new Hillcrest SEND support fundraising site:







If you are making an Amazon purchase please use the Amazon Smile link:


When you do this 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases will come to the Friends of Hillcrest charity - every little helps.



Any questions? Email us at


ALL money raised is used to support the enrichment and education of our children.


Thank you for your support!

