Public Sector Equality & Diversity Duty
Equality Objectives
In this section you will find information relating to: the public sector equality duty in the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011, including:
- details of how we are complying with the public sector equality duty – this is updated every year
- our school’s equality objectives – these are updated at least once every 4 years
Details of these publishing obligations are set out in Equality Act 2010: advice for schools
All school policies take account of the school’s ethos, which is enshrined in our vision - Taking pride in all we do - and whole school code of conduct
In line with the Equalities Act, 2010, the school’s Equality Objectives and Public Sector
Equality Duty, the following statement which is reviewed and updated annually demonstrates the school’s focus on providing equal and inclusive educational and non-educational services in a non-discriminatory manner for all members of our school community.
This Statement and our objectives have been arrived at following discussions with members of the school community, an analysis of our curriculum, staff training needs, wider opportunities and a review of the school’s developing population over recent years.
We are committed to meeting our Public Sector Equality Duty to:
1. (a) Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act.
2. (b) Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
3. (c) Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
We shall achieve this through:
• Implementing required policies and procedures
• Ensuring appropriate training for our staff
• School assemblies and special events
• Our curriculum and interaction with all members of our school community
• Our communications, website and publications
• Our ethos and values
• Appropriate oversight by school leaders and Governors
• Discussions with and feedback from our pupil voice
• Opportunities to reflect the multicultural nature of our school community
• Our use of display and development of an accessible learning environment
• Visits to museums, places of worship and places of local interest
• A focus on the involvement of parents and carers
• Our identified school objectives – published separately
• Feedback to our Governing Board
• The close monitoring and response to any incidents of inappropriate behaviour towards others as reflected in the Equalities Act 2010
The above will be monitored by Senior staff and will involve seeking the views from pupils, parents and staff.
Progress against the above and our Equalities Objectives will be monitored termly by reports to Governors and will be formally reviewed annually over each of the next four years in terms of the specific objectives. The timescale and procedures for monitoring the objectives may be amended in the light of new guidance or changes to relevant legislation.
Our Equality Objectives
As a school we have chosen four main equality objectives which best suit our circumstances and contribute to the welfare of our pupils and our school community. These are a tool to help improve the school experience for a range of different pupils. These equality objectives have arisen from an analysis of our published data and other information, where we have identified there is potential for improvement on equalities.
Our equality objectives, which were last updated in February 2021:-
Objective 1
- To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experiences both in and beyond the school that will develop positive and tolerant attitudes towards all members of the wider community in terms. Pupil voice will show the positive impact of ‘Lyfta’, a cultural learning platform.
Objective 2
- To ensure that our disadvantaged pupils, including our SEND pupils make progress in line with their peers. End of year data will show the gap is narrowing.
Objective 3
- Train all members of staff and governors involved in recruitment and selection on equal opportunities and non-discrimination by the beginning of the next academic year. Training evaluation data will show that 100% of those attending have a good understanding of the legal requirements.
Objective 4
- Ensure our children have an understanding and acceptance of difference between themselves and others. Staff and pupil voice will show that children can talk knowledgably about ‘difference’ and the aims of the No Outsiders ethos.