Here is a selection of some of our most important policies. If you would like any of our policies as a paper copy, in translation or in a different file format, the office will be happy to assist.
For GDPR policies and procedures click below.
If the policy you are looking for is not here please contact the school office.
- Acceptable Behaviour
- Accessibility Plan
- Allergy Policy
- Anti bullying Policy
- Asthma Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour Policy.pdf
- Charging and Remissions Policy
- Complaints Procedure
- Complaints Procedure (Serial and Unreasonable)
- Data Protection
- Equalities and Diversity Statement
- E-Safety Policy
- EYFS Policy
- First aid & Administration of Medicines Policy
- Freedom of Information Policy
- Health, Safety and Well-Being Policy, Document 1
- Health, Safety and Well-Being Policy, Document 2
- Intimate Care
- Mobile Phone and Camera Policy
- Relationships and Sex Education Policy
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- SEND Policy
- Uniform Policy