Medicines in school
Does your child need medication during the school day?
This section refers to ALL medications - prescribed medicines, over the counter medicines, creams and ointments, cough sweets, sun cream etc.
If at all possible, please give your child their medication before and after school (if, for example, they need three doses of an antibiotic in 24 hours).
If you would like them to have a non-prescribed medicine during the day you are welcome to drop into school to give it.
If your child needs a prescribed medication during the school day please deliver it to the office in person and fill in a form - 'Administration of Meds' (download below or pick one up from the office). We have nine members of staff trained to give medication and we will store the medicine securely in the Medical Room.
For everyone's safety, please do not send children in with ANY medication to take themselves, not even cough sweets, sun cream or Vaseline.
(The only exception is an inhaler, by special arrangement. See * below.)
Chronic conditions
If your child has a long term medical condition (eg, asthma) we will work with you to set up a health care plan.
* If an agreement is made between parent and class teacher that they are mature enough, a Yr 4,5 or 6 child can carry and start taking responsibility for their own inhaler. HOWEVER, we do still need a spare in case it is lost, empty or forgotten.
For further information see the Hillcrest First Aid and Administration of Medicines Policy.