Governors Behaviour Policy
Governors’ Behaviour Principles
As a Rights Respecting School, the core values of the UNICEF convention on the rights of the child underpin all that we do at Hillcrest Primary School.
This document is not a policy but rather it is a statement to set out Hillcrest Primary School’s principles and values with regard to behaviour that is both expected and promoted within the school.
Under the Education and Inspection Act 2006, school governing boards are charged with the duty to set the framework of school policy by providing a written statement of general principles relating to behaviour and discipline. The following has been approved by the governors at Hillcrest Primary School. It applies to all adults employed by, volunteering at or providing services to Hillcrest Primary School.
All the Governors at Hillcrest Primary School:
- support Hillcrest in achieving its values, safeguarding its rights and following its rules;
- believe that behaviour management at Hillcrest Primary School is an opportunity to reflect and promote the school’s five core values - Partnership, Resilience, Innovation, Diversity and Excellence;
- respect and value all members of Hillcrest Primary School community and are committed to providing a caring and friendly atmosphere for all pupils so that they can learn and achieve success in a safe and secure environment;
- recognise our responsibility to safeguard all individuals who access Hillcrest Primary School, and we promote the welfare of all pupils by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect and bullying;
- value the strong relationships that exist in Hillcrest Primary School which leads to mutual respect. We encourage positive behaviour and place emphasis on addressing the causes of misbehaviour;
- have high expectations of everyone, and actively promote equality with regards to race, gender, age, sexuality, religion or disability;
- seek to eliminate all forms of discrimination, harassment and bullying;
- aspire to achieving a school which is happy, healthy and supports everyone to thrive.
This written statement, and the policies that are influenced by it, applies to all pupils and staff inside and outside of school, when acting as ambassadors, when engaged in extra-curricular activities, such as educational trips and visits, when travelling to and from school, and when being educated as a pupil of Hillcrest Primary School.
The Governors wish to emphasise that violence, threatening behaviour or abuse by pupils or parents towards the school’s staff will not be tolerated.
This statement will be applied with consistency and fairness with regard to each individual situation.