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Yr 5's Gallery 2023/4

Den building in Leigh Woods

Yr 5 have been to Redcatch Community Garden, replicating artist Andy Goldsworthy’s work. They made nature art-the compostable packing peanuts were very popular! They showed great teamwork and creativity. One group even made Alfie Cat!!

Working on our Science Week marble run project

Our fantastic History showcase! We were excited to share the work we've been doing on the Ancient Greeks and the Mayans with some of the younger year groups and with our parents.

Rock Band!

5DB at the RWA

Ex-newspaper journo, Mr Mac, sharing some key steps about reporting

Mr Barham's nephew paid us a visit!

Acting out Greek myths.


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Some of our writing/published work

Yr 5 / Yr 1 Reading Buddies session

Our class role model showcase
