School Logo

Year 6

Mr Barham, Mr Wilson & Mrs Hendy


Monday 21st October - Thursday 24th October


  • Tuesday 22nd October - Fire Drill 2.00


  • Wednesday 23rd October - 6DB swimming session. Don't forget your kit!


  • Wednesday 23rd October - Spelling Levels & Bosses


  • Thursday 24th October - Term 1 ends


  • Friday 25th October - INSET day (school closed for staff training)


  • Secondary school applications must be in by midnight on 31st October. You can find details of how to apply and a list of school open days HERE. There is no need to fill in an absence request form if you are taking your child to visit a school, but please drop us an email to let us know in advance.


  • Check here for Yr 6 news and reminders for the week ahead, updated every Friday.


  • Check your Friday Mailbag, emailed to you at the end of the day every Friday, for important whole-school news and updates. 


  • The price of a lunch is £2.90. Please make sure that there is enough credit in your child's dinner money account BEFORE they order a meal. We are charged a small percentage on every transaction so we appreciate payment for a block of five or more meals at a time, if possible.  



  • Monday 4th November - Term 2 begins
  • Tuesday 5th & Wednesday 6th November - Individual photos & sibling groups
  • Tuesday 12th November - Muslim Coffee Morning 9.00
  • Friday 29th November - Comedy Night!
  • Tuesday 3rd December - Diversity Coffee Morning 9.00
  • Friday 6th December - Class Reps meeting 9.00
  • Friday 6th November - Reading Volunteers meeting 11.00
  • Sunday 8th December - Christmas Fair
  • Tuesday 10th December - SEND Coffee Morning 9.00
  • Thursday 12th December - Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day

  • Friday 13th December - Adopters Coffee Morning 9.00
  • Wednesday 18th December - Spelling Level checks and Bosses
  • Wednesday 18th December - Christmas Lunch
  • Thursday 19th December - Yrs 4, 5 & 6 Carol Service 18.00
  • Friday 20th December - Term 2 ends


  • All our dates and events for the year are on our website calendar. Click to view it in...
  • calendar format
  • or as a list of events
  • In the calendar layout events are colour coded. Events for everyone are in BLUE. Events for Yr 6 only are in GREY.




  • Visit the Yr 6 Homework page HERE to download this week's Retrieval Questions.




Click HERE and see what we've been doing.




(please only email teachers on school days between 8am and 5.30pm)

Mr Wilson -
Mr Barham -


Polly Ho-Yen Class Reps:

Zoe Sutcliffe -


Donna Speed Class Class Reps:

Positions vacant!





Mr Wilson’s class (6NW)

Polly Ho-Yen is an author who writes books for both younger and older children and has also written a novel for adults. Her debut novel, The Boy In The Tower (2014), was shortlisted for a number of awards. Polly is based in Bristol, where she set up the Bristol Teen Book Award for Bristol secondary schools.


Mr Barham’s class (6DB)

Donna Speed is CEO of We the Curious. She drives the organisation’s mission and loves engaging the curiosity of the science centre’s visitors and partners. Donna’s role is to lead the charity in line with their manifesto pledges, goals and values.


Welcome to Mr Wilson's
