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Online Safety

Top tips for parents

  • Discover the Internet together.
  • Have the computer/device in a family room.
  • Agree with your child rules for Internet use in your home.
  • Encourage your child to be careful when disclosing personal information.
  • Talk about the risks associated with meeting online “friends” in person.
  • Teach your child about evaluating information and being critically aware of information found online. 
  • Don’t be too critical towards your child’s exploration of the Internet.
  • Let your children show you what they like to do online
  • Set child lock features and Google Safe Search.
  • Discuss what to do if they see/watch/hear something which makes them feel uncomfortable.

Our E-Safety Leader is Mrs Loader

If a child is worried about anything that happens online they can talk to Mrs Loader or to any of their trusted adults at school.


Parents/Carers are also welcome to get in touch with any member of staff for advice or support.


Children and parents/carers can also:



Contact CEOP (the police Child Exploitation and Online Protection team) if you are worried about online abuse or the way someone has been communicating online. Click on the button below to go straight to their Safety Centre.
Contact Childline on line by clicking the button below, or call on 0800 111(under 18s) or 0808 8005000 (adults).
Hillcrest Primary School is a 360 degree safe school. This means that we engage with a tool which helps us constantly improve our provision for e-safety. Click on the logo to find out about the scheme. 
National College On Line Safety Guides

The National College's Wake Up Wednesday guides equip grownups with the confidence and practical skills to have informed and age-appropriate conversations with children about online safety, mental well-being and climate change. There is a new poster guide for parents and children each week.


We pay for school membership of the National College, which means that all Hillcrest parents are entitled to free membership. Sign up here: Login | The National College (select Sign Up) and access their excellent resources, absolutely free.


We strongly recommend you sign up!


Click on the links below for advice on a wide range of on line safety issues.
You might find this site helpful too.