Year 4
Miss Graham, Mrs Willis, Mrs Price, Miss Perkins & Miss Prior-Billington
Monday 27th January to Friday 31st January
- Monday 27th January - Latin Afternoon
- Yr 4 Camp - Just a reminder that the balance needs to be paid by Friday 25th April. If you haven't yet told us if your child will be coming please let us know as soon as possible.
Please make sure that any messages about your child's attendance - illness, absence, appointments, early pick-up etc. - are given to the school office, not just to their teacher.
You can either drop in to the office or contact them by
Free text message on Arbor
Telephone - 0117 3772440
Email -
Check here for Yr 4 news, updates and reminders for the coming week, updated every Friday.
- Read your Friday Mailbag, emailed to you at the end of the day every Friday, for important whole-school news and updates.
- The price of a lunch is £2.90. Please make sure that there is enough credit in your child's dinner money account BEFORE they order a meal. We are charged a small percentage on every transaction so we appreciate payment for a block of five or more meals at a time, if possible.
- Tuesday 4th February - SEND Coffee Morning 9.00 - 10.00am
- Friday 7th February - Adopters' Coffee Morning 9.00 - 10.00am
- Friday 7th February - Class Reps meeting 9.00am
- Monday 10th February - E Safety Day & Hour of Code
- Tuesday 11th February - Fire Drill 2.45pm
- Wednesday 12th February - Spelling Level Checks and Bosses
- Friday 14th February - House Day event
- Friday 14th February - End of Term
- Monday 24th February - Start of Term 4
- Tuesday 25th February - World Thinking Day
- Tuesday 4th March - Parents Evening
- Thursday 6th March - Parents Evening
- Friday 7th March - World Book Day
- Thursday 13th March - School Nurse Coffee Morning 9.00am
- Friday 21st March - Book Fair arrives! Here until following Thursday.
- Tuesday 25th March - SEND Coffee Morning 9.00am
- Thursday 27th March - Hillcrest Musical Evening
- Friday 28th March - Adopters Coffee Morning 9.00am
- Friday 28th March - Class Reps Meeting
- All our dates and events for the year are on our website calendar. Click to view it in...
- calendar format
- or as a list of events
- In the calendar layout events are colour coded...
- Events for everyone are in BLUE. Events for Yr 4 only are in BLACK.
(please only email teachers on school days between 8am and 5.30pm)
Miss Graham -
Mrs Willis -
Mrs Price -
Ellis Genge Class Reps:
Jessica Fowler -
Myles Jay Linton Class Reps:
Jane Tingay -
Mrs Willis’ and Mrs Price’s Class (4WP)
Ellis Genge grew up in Knowle West. Like some of the children, he played for Old Redcliffians as a child and now plays for Bristol Bears and the England Rugby team. Ellis has dyspraxia and is known for his very powerful ball-carrying skills and work-rate.
Miss Graham’s class (4KG)
Myles-Jay Linton leads research into young people’s mental health. He is one of the core members of Kiki Bristol which has created a safe social space for queer, trans, intersex, black people and people of colour across the South-West. He is also a visual artist and illustrator which reflects his work in psychology.