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Yr 3's Gallery 2023/4

Earlier this week, Ellen MacArthur class hijacked Yr 1's Jobs Fair and got to check out a police van. Unfortunately, things took a sour turn when Mr Redshaw was arrested!

3NR trying to recreate Hadrian's Wall from Lego...

Preparing an animation of Steamboat Willie, which we've done to enter a Disney competition.

These two have spent their playtime and lunchtime creating posters to spread awareness of endangered animals. Great work!

Science Week - building our marble runs

Our trip to Westonbirt Arboretum. We planted 200 new trees (as a whole year group) as part of a scheme to replace trees lost to Ash Dieback disease.

Latin afternoon in 3NR

3EN making our bookmarks. We were exceptionally lucky to have so many adults from the Hillcrest community to come and help with this D&T sewing project

We learned and discussed Beatrix Potter's determination as a scientist. We then created our own artwork inspired by our role model Beatrix Potter and her fascination with mushrooms.

Designing our bookmarks in DT

3NR practising different stitches for our sewing project this week. We have covered running stitches, double running stitch, half cross stitch, cross stitch and chain stitch. And a big thank you to all the parents and grandparents who came and helped out!

Visiting the library

Investigating numbers which could be divided by 4 in maths using counters.

Learning about how shadows are made.

Looking at different rocks and trying to work out if they were igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic.

Year 3 using their observational skills to find out whether soil is just dirt...

Look what we found in the soil!

3NR had a visit from Forest, a beautiful, one year-old Royal Python!

Exploring magnetic and non-magnetic materials

Investigating the resistance of different surfaces

Beatrix Potter class colouring Rangoli patterns

We listened to Miss North's music of the week, a Scottish band called Talisk and we couldn't help getting up and dancing!

Making a house for the Beatrix Potter teddies during Golden Time.

Our first ukulele lesson

We've been practising some sign language as BSL is our language of the term. Here is how we've been getting along...
