Year 2
Mrs Lamb, Mrs Flook, Mrs Pemberton & Miss Wyatt
Mrs Flook’s class (2JF)
Samina Iqbal is the co-founder of Feed the Homeless in Bristol. She has helped to recruit volunteers to cook and distribute food to the homeless in Bristol City Centre. She also helps with cooking sessions during the school holidays, cooking and teaching families to cook healthy nutritional food.
Mrs Lamb's class (2KL)
Michelle Curtis is an artist, illustrator and graphic designer who is also the Founder and Director of Iconic Black Britons, a project which celebrates Bristol's Black History through art. Michele is best known for The Seven Saints of St Pauls – depicting the founders of St Paul’s Carnival through portrait murals on walls across St Pauls.
Monday 9th - Friday 13th September
- Check here for Yr 2 news and reminders for the coming week, updated every Friday
- Mailbag - Check your Friday Mailbag for whole-school news.
- Tuesday 24th September - Yr 2 Curriculum Evening 16.30 - 17.15
- Friday 27th September - Friends Family Disco
- Tuesday 1st October - Diversity Group meeting 11.00
- Thursday 3rd October - Class Reps meeting 9.00
- Friday 4th October - Nasal 'Flu Vaccinations in school
- Monday 14th October - Book Fair arrives
- Tuesday 15th October - SEND Coffee Morning 11.00
- Tuesday 15th October - Parents Evening 16.00 - 19.00
- Thursday 17th October - Parents Evening 16.00 - 19.00
- Friday 18th October - Adopters Coffee Morning 11.00
- Wednesday 23rd October - Spelling Levels & Bosses
- Thursday 24th October - Term 1 ends
- Friday 25th October - INSET day (school closed for staff training)
- Monday 11th November - Term 2 begins
- All our dates and events for the year are on our website calendar. Click to view it in...
- calendar format
- or as a list of events
- In the calendar layout events are colour coded...
- Events for everyone are in BLUE. Events for Yr 2 only are in TURQUOISE.
(please only email teachers on school days between 8am and 5.30pm)
Mrs Lamb -
Mrs Flook -
Samina Iqbal Class Reps:
Positions vacant!
Michele Curtis Class Reps:
Positions vacant!