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Latest Friends News


Roll up! Roll up! The Summer Fair is next Saturday and we need YOU!


Please, if you are able to, drop off Tombola prizes, cakes (home made or shop bought, NUT FREE), Pimms and salads on the morning of Friday 5th at drop off.


Feeling creative? The Bake Off Competition theme is Olympics / Paralympics. Drop off on Friday morning for judging. All entries will be sold at the fair.


Musicians can you help? Unfortunately the school choir are unable to perform on the day, so if anyone would like to play some live music at the Fair (after 12:30) please get in touch via class reps or Friends email address:


We also need your time! Can you flip burgers for an hour? Sell Splat the Rat tickets? Make cups of tea? Please click on the link to sign up. Older siblings (Yr 6 and above) are very welcome to sign up and support.


We can't do it without you!


The first half of the Fair (12:00 -12:30) will be a ‘quiet’ half hour with no music and reduced noise for those that prefer a quieter environment. 


Don’t forget to tell EVERYONE you know about the fair and encourage

them to come along and support the school. 


It will be FREE ENTRY this year (donations welcome) so see you there! 







Friends were pleased to be able to provide free discos for all children again this year! 


None of our events can happen without parent volunteers! Please email if you would like to help.





We wanted to let you know how we spent the £12,536 Friends raised last year and how our fundraising is progressing this year. 



We hope this shows just how important your support is, and the

fantastic opportunities it provides our children. 






All parents, carers and teachers are members of Friends of Hillcrest and are welcome to all meetings to hear what's happening, contribute views, suggest new ideas and/or offer to volunteer if they can. 


Read more about Friends of Hillcrest on our section of the school website here: Friends of Hillcrest (our PTA) | Hillcrest Primary School





Feel free to email us any time:


