EAL Starting at Hillcrest
Welcome to Hillcrest Primary School
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This is a short introduction to our school.
There is more detailed information on our website.
The news for your child's class is on their Year Group page.
The school office staff and your child's teacher can help if you have questions.
The 'English as an Additional Language' (EAL) team,
Mrs Hornsby and Mrs Metcalf,
are here to support your child's learning.
They will give you a login for 'Flash Academy' which is
our online EAL learning platform.
We hope your child will be very happy here!
Bridget Norman
Head Teacher
Sally Hornsby
EAL Lead
Emily Metcalf
EAL Support
Kate Higginson
Family Support Worker
The School Day
The gate is open from 8:40
The school day starts at 8:50
The children line up outside, with their class.
When the bell rings at 8:50 the teacher takes them into their classroom for registration.
(If you bring your child to school late, or at any other time of day, come to the school office.)
The school day ends at 3:30 (3:15 for children in Reception).
Your child will wait with their class in the playground until the teacher
sees you and dismisses them. Please tell the teacher or the office staff if someone different will be collecting your child.
Future Stars have a Breakfast Club and an After School Club at Hillcrest and there are various other after school activity clubs.
Children can have school meals or packed lunches from home,
or a mixture of both on different days.
School meals are freshly cooked in our kitchen.
There is always a vegetarian and a Halal option.
On Mondays all the options are vegetarian.
The menu is HERE.
Choose and order your child's school meals online using the Arbor Parent Portal.
Download the free Arbor app from your app store.
The office staff can help you to set up your account.
You will need the Arbor app for other things too, so this is important.
Please tell us if your child has any food allergies or a special diet.
School meals are free up to the end of Year 2.
For children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 a school meal costs £2.90.
Meals must be paid for in advance, via Arbor. We do not take cash.
If you receive welfare benefits your child may qualify for
free school meals. The school office staff can help you to apply.
There is more information about lunches HERE.
Snacks and Water
We give the children in Reception and Years 1 and 2 a fruit or vegetable
snack at break time.
In Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 children can bring a healthy snack from home - preferably fruit.
No sweets, crisps or chocolate please.
Do not bring anything containing nuts into school
because there are children with severe nut allergies.
We encourage children to drink plenty of water. There are drinking fountains
in school and jugs of water on the lunch tables.
Children can bring a water bottle to school and refill it at the classroom tap.
Please put their name on the bottle.
School Uniform
We have a lot of FREE second-hand school clothing. You can take as much as you need.
Ask at the office and we will show you.
Order new uniform here:
You can also buy everything, except the sweatshirts and
cardigans, at the supermarket.
The school uniform is:
- Green sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo
- Pale blue, short-sleeved polo shirt
- Black trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore, or
- Blue and white school dress
- Black, grey or white socks or tights
- Flat, black closed shoes with laces or straps.
For modesty, a plain headscarf may be worn, and black or grey leggings under a skirt or dress.
PE Kit (for sports) - in a named bag
- Shorts, leggings or track-suit bottoms
- Gym shoes or trainers
- T-shirt in House colour - Order online from Boca Teamwear. Choose 'Free Delivery to school' https://www.boca-uk.com/webshop/club-shops/hillcrest-primary-school/
Please put your child's name in EVERYTHING they bring in or wear to school.
School Supplies
Books, pens, pencils, paper, art materials
and exercise-books are all provided by the school.
Your child will need a rucksack or book-bag to bring their reading book home every day.
You can buy a Hillcrest book-bag online from Boca Teamwear:
Contacting us
0117 3772440
or use the Arbor app to send a free text message
Tell the teacher or the office staff if there is any important
medical information about your child.
If your child is too ill to come to school please let us know before 10:00am.
If your child has vomiting or diarrhoea they must stay away
from school for 48 hours after it has stopped.
Tell us immediately if your contact details change, in case there is an emergency.
The School Year
The school holiday dates are HERE and the school calendar is HERE.
We have three school rules