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Miss Norman's Challenge 8th January 2021

Congratulations to Hazel Woodard from Puffin class who has won a prize in the Children's University Winter Competition! 
There were over 40 fabulous entries. Mary, our co-ordinator at the Children's University, would like to thank all the Hillcrest children  that took part.  
Hazel's picture came first in the Art age 4 to 6 years category  and she has won herself a £20 book token! 
This is what the judge, Mike Ricketts, Associate Head of Department for Art at UWE Bristol, said about Hazel's entry: 

‘Hazel's picture is the winner, thanks to her adventurous use of materials, and her familiar and also not-so-familiar range of characters. Well done Hazel! Keep enjoying making art from all kinds of different things!’ 

The next Children's University competition will be in the Spring/Summer 2021.