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  • Language of the Term - British Sign Language

    Fri 15 Sep 2023

    In Term 1 we're learning about British Sign Language. Find out about BSL and learn some simple signing on the Mind Your Language! page and take on one of Miss Wilson's Golden Ticket Challenges.


    We were very lucky on Thursday to welcome Jody, a sign language interpreter, to Hillcrest. The children were transfixed during our British Sign Language assembly. They signed the alphabet, watched Miss Wilson and Jody sign a conversation about dogs and learned a little bit about Deaf culture. Some children even learned how to describe our two school dogs, Wilma and Barney, using sign language!

  • Reading Volunteers

    Thu 14 Sep 2023

    We have an amazing team of reading volunteers at Hillcrest who are making a real difference to children’s engagement and enjoyment of reading. If you are interested in joining the team, here is what you need to do:


    • Email with the subject line ‘Reading Volunteer’ and let us know what days and times you can come in and if you would rather just read with your child(ren)’s year group(s) or if you are happy to read with any age group.
    • Then, as soon as you can, drop into the office with two valid IDs and proof of address so we can get your DBS sorted. If you already have a DBS, please drop in to show us so we can put it on our system.


    And here is what will happen next:


    • There will be a ‘Reading Volunteers Induction’ from 9-10am on Monday, September 25th. This will include a guide on how to support a child with their reading.
    • Afterwards you will be given a child, or a group of children, to hear read regularly throughout Term 1 and 2.
  • Hillcrest Family Party

    Thu 14 Sep 2023

    To celebrate the start of the new school year, Friends of Hillcrest would like to open the school gates for a FAMILY GATHERING!


    Rather than drawing straws on "who gets to go out" or trying to book the babysitter, you're ALL invited to come along for a few hours and raise a few pounds for the school at the same time.


    The kids get to play with their friends, dance or watch a movie, the parents get to socialise beyond the school run!


    Expect music (and dancing if you fancy!) and a bar. Soft drinks and nibbles provided for the children.


    Friday 29th September 5.00 - 6.30pm

    Adults - £7.50 Children - £2.50


    Please note, you will still need to be responsible for your children at the event.

    Tickets are limited, so make sure you get yours early! Here's the link...



    We look forward to seeing you there!
